Switchgear Temperature Monitoring System
Smart Grid , Smart Sensing
Passive Wireless RFID Sensing

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RFID Sensing Basics

An RFID sensing system includes a passive RFID sensor, a reader capable of collecting temperature from the sensor and its antenna. The reader’s antenna constantly sends radio frequencies signal to the sensor. On one hand, the radio frequency transmits energy to activate the sensor. While simultaneously transmitting a command including the sensor’s ID, telling it to measure the temperature. After activation, the sensor sends the current temperature back to the reader. The whole process is a digital transmission with CRC code under RFID’s ISO Protocol, making it stable and reliant.

rfid temperature monitor principle diagram orig
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About Us

PQSense Technology is formed by elites from Taiwan, U.S.A and China with their deep roots in electric power applications, and RFID sensing technology. PQSense Technology focuses on developing electric power temperature monitoring products, striving to push the best products into practice for Smart Grids around the world.